Preparatory Division Class of 2022: The Fireflies

The members of the Class of 2022 were in sixth grade when in-person learning stopped due to the pandemic. They were in seventh grade when we returned to school with masks, one-way hallways, and social distancing. Now, as the Class is about to begin their eighth grade year, we return to school full of hope. We hope that this year will bring not only good health but also the sight of smiling faces, and dances, and retreats, and art shows, and concerts, and field trips, and Monday Assemblies, and togetherness, and the return to the richness of all of our traditions.

This year more than ever, our school needs strong eighth grade student leaders to shine their light and help guide us back to the fullness of who we are. We need positive role models who do not hide their light under a bushel basket but instead let their light shine before others to give light to all.  We are blessed to have the Class of 2022 as our eighth grade leaders and our example. This
class is full of kind, giving, hard-working individuals who put others before self. The members of the class possess a strong character, a seriousness of purpose, and they desire to do what is right. They are resilient, talented, faith-filled, intelligent, creative, joyful students whose light shines brightly and who are worthy of this challenge.

The Class of 2022 will be leading the way as our Fireflies. Younger students will look to them for guidance, support, and friendship. Teachers will expect them to be outstanding examples for the
rest, and I will look to them to be the bright lights that they are. I am confident that our Fireflies will continue to make us proud.

Class of 2022, shine your light! I love you.